June 29, 2023
You all know that Tods Workshop makes highly accurate reproductions of historical pieces, but you may not know we also make film and TV weapons; not really 'props', they are more real than that and a lot cooler.
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June 22, 2023
The Final Fantasy series XVI, Clive Rosfield's Sword, INVICTUS made by Tods Workshop/Tod Todeschini. Its in the Tower of London from 22nd !
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June 01, 2020
Joerg Sprave from the Slingshot Channel sent me one of his "Instant Legolas" arrow feeding magazine system for longbows.
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August 30, 2019
The English longbow is laden with myth; of its origins, its power, its achievements. That and the centuries that have passed since it was used in earnest, means that the knowledge of what it was actually capable of doing has also passed.
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March 22, 2018
A short review on 'The Crossbow' by Mike Loades, published by Osprey Publishing. Tods Workshop supplied many of the reconstructions of medieval crossbows and ancient world crossbows found throughout this book.
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February 17, 2018
The Seax of Beagnoth is the most iconic langseax in existence. The seax is a mighty 55cm long and every inch/cm is covered in twisted wire inlay. Geometric on one side and the Futhorc alphabet and the single name 'Beagnoth' on the other.
Read on to see how this unique Saxon seax was recreated in every detail.
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January 16, 2018
Hand spanned bows were initially the norm, but as the power of crossbows increased, human ingenuity came up with all manner of devices to span these more powerful crossbows - this blog talks you through them.
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January 16, 2018
Crossbows came in a great variety of forms; these changed over time and due to their purpose. What follows is a very concise and general treatise on European bows.
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December 19, 2017
The ‘Battle Abbey Sword’ was made for the Abbot of Battle Abbey around 1417 -1434 and is a splendid and unique medieval war sword.
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June 26, 2017
Tod Workshop recognises this and works with your organisation to blend the requirements of ‘historical accuracy’ with the requirements of your application.
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