Instant Legolas Bow

June 01, 2020

Instant Legolas Bow

Joerg Sprave from the Slingshot Channel sent me one of his "Instant Legolas" arrow feeding magazine system for longbows. I have shot the weapon and now my task is to reinterpret it and remake it in a way that our medieval ancestors could have made it, but that is for the next films; this one is all about me discovering what this invention is all about. Fun, but more than just that....... So the discussion to come is "would it have replaced the longbow and changed the shape of medieval warfare". I suspect not, but I do think had this been around it would/could have had a role and this film is the start of a journey to look at the object in an alternative reality where this device could have existed and if so........what would it have been like? But hell I changed my mind during the filming of this, so who knows what I will think next week or the week after.

If you are interested in budget medieval weapons have a look at my other site

If you are interested in custom medieval weapons have a look at my products

Check out Joerg's channel.

Shadversity is going to be forwarded the crossbow that I make and will probably put a video up about that so check out the link into his film about it and other great videos on his channel.  

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